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Hi! I would love to play this game but I don't own a PS4 controller, are there any plans to release a version where I don't have to remap the entirety of the controls myself? Thanks!

Lead Programmer here - sorry but there are no plans to update the game currently. This game was part of a school project and we're all already moving on to our senior games.  I may go in and make the naming scheme consistent for remapping buttons in the future but that's about it. Thanks for the interest in Hyper Neon!

Wow, what a fantastic game! The music is incredible, the gameplay idea is great, and the story has meaning; this is a wonderful little indie game that i've fallen in love with.
My only qualm is with the controls; I had to remap all of the controls manually, and even then, the naming convention was slightly off. But past that, the game was (and is) well worth my time. Great work!